There's nothing quite like a refreshing, icy coffee drink to beat the heat and invigorate your senses. For coffee enthusiasts looking to elevate their cold brew game, this guide on how to make freddo espresso is your ultimate resource for mastering this popular summer favorite. In this blog, we’ll explore the steps to creating a perfect Freddo Espresso, dive into its various delicious types, and share expert tips to ensure you enjoy a barista-quality experience right at home. Whether you're a seasoned coffee aficionado or just starting your journey, get ready to discover a new go-to beverage for 2024.

What Is a Freddo Espresso?

Freddo Espresso is a popular cold coffee beverage originating from Greece. It's an evolution of the traditional espresso, offering a refreshing and invigorating alternative, especially during hot weather. Unlike iced espresso, which simply involves adding ice to espresso, Freddo Espresso is prepared by shaking or blending the espresso with ice until it becomes frothy and chilled, without the ice diluting the final drink.


What are the Different Types of Freddo Espresso?

Freddo Espresso can be customized in various ways to suit different tastes and preferences. Here are the most popular variations:

  • Classic Freddo Espresso: The original version, simply made with espresso, ice, and no additional flavors.
  • Freddo Cappuccino: This variation includes a layer of frothed milk on top, offering a creamier texture and a richer taste.

How to make Freddo Espresso?

Making Freddo Espresso at home is simple and requires only a few ingredients and tools. Here’s a step-by-step guide:


  • Freshly brewed espresso (double shot)
  • Ice cubes
  • Sugar or simple syrup (optional)
  • Cold water (optional)
  • Milk or plant-based alternatives (optional)


  • Espresso machine or a Moka pot
  • Shaker or a blender
  • Tall glass


Now we have collected all the ingredients needed, let's dive into the detailed process to create this refreshing beverage:

  • Brew the Espresso: Start by brewing a double shot of espresso using an espresso machine or a Moka pot. Ensure the coffee is freshly ground for the best flavor. If using an espresso machine, aim for a brewing time of about 25-30 seconds.
  • Sweeten (Optional): If you prefer a sweetened drink, add sugar or simple syrup to the hot espresso and stir until dissolved. This step is crucial as sugar dissolves better in hot liquids.
  • Prepare the Ice: Fill a shaker or blender with a generous amount of ice cubes. The ice not only chills the espresso but also helps in creating the frothy texture that is characteristic of Freddo Espresso.
  • Shake or Blend: Pour the hot espresso over the ice in the shaker or blender. If using a shaker, ensure it is sealed tightly. Shake vigorously for about 30 seconds. This shaking process is key to achieving the desired frothy texture. If using a blender, pulse until the mixture is frothy and well-chilled.
  • Serve: Pour the chilled espresso into a tall glass. If you used a shaker, strain the drink to avoid ice pieces in the final beverage. The strained liquid should be smooth and frothy.
  • Add Milk (Optional): For a Freddo Cappuccino, top the drink with frothed milk or a milk alternative. To froth the milk, you can use a milk frother or a steam wand if your espresso machine has one. This adds a creamy texture and a rich flavor to the drink. The SCHWUA Italian espresso machine with milk frother is designed for creating freshly brewed espresso with creamy milk. Its high-pressure extraction ensures a consistently rich brew, while the frother gives a thick, creamy foam.

Schwua Italian Espresso Machine

Useful Tips and Takeaways

Here are some tips to elevate your Freddo Espresso experience:

  • Use Freshly Brewed Espresso: Fresh espresso has a richer flavor and aroma. Brew your espresso just before preparing the Freddo Espresso.
  • Adjust Sweetness to Taste: Start with a small amount of sugar or syrup and adjust according to your preference. You can always add more if needed.
  • Experiment with Flavors: Don't hesitate to try different flavored syrups or milk alternatives to find your perfect combination.
  • Proper Shaking/Blending: Ensure you shake or blend the espresso with ice long enough to chill it thoroughly and create a frothy texture.
  • Serve Immediately: Freddo Espresso is best enjoyed fresh. Serve it immediately after preparation to maintain its refreshing qualities.


In conclusion, Freddo Espresso is a delightful and refreshing coffee option, and how to make freddo espresso is rather straightforward. Its unique preparation method sets it apart from traditional hot espresso, offering a frothy and chilled beverage perfect for warm weather. With the right ingredients and techniques, you can easily prepare this invigorating drink at home. Experiment with different variations and flavors to find your favorite Freddo Espresso.

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